
Home/Customer News/South Glos. waste firm invest in Neuenhauser Star Screen

South Glos. waste firm invest in Neuenhauser Star Screen

A South Gloucestershire skip firm have recently taken delivery of a new Neuenhauser Star Screen for processing their shredded skip waste. The machine works in conjunction with a slow speed shredder which feeds directly onto the star screen. The star screen removes the -30mm fines fraction and produces a very light +30mm waste. Due to the aggressive screening nature of the star screen a very small footprint is required and the separation is much better than a conventional trommel.

The star screen is fitted with a patented star which has blunt fingers and therefore prevents wrapping around the stars which is a common problem with other manufacturers. According to the owner, “by purchasing this star screen we have reduced the amount of material we send to landfill by 40%”.

For more information on how a Neuenhauser Star Screen could benefit your business please contact us here.

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