Anglian Land Drainage Invest In A Portafill Washing Plant
Anglian Land Drainage Invest In A Portafill Washing Plant
Anglian Land Drainage, based near Chelmsford, Essex have invested in a new Portafill 3000 Washing Plant from Riverside Machinery Ltd.
The plant consists of a Portafill 3000 Rinser, Portafill DW80 Sand Plant, Sand Stockpiler and Fresh Water Pump.
The plant is being put to use to screen a mixture of materials including recycled material, virgin material and reed bed material.
Depending on the mesh fitted to the rinser, a number of sizes are being produced. These include-5mm, 10mm, 20mm and 40mm.
The plant can produce 2 grades of stone and 1 grade of sand.
Power is supplied by diesel driven engine in the Portafill 3000 Rinser which in turn supplies hydraulic power to the Portafill DW80 Sand Plant.
John O’Neill of Riverside Machinery comments “this is an extremely compact plant which all moves on one load making it very desirable to companies who wish to wash in several locations. In addition due to the footprint, it is ideal for small sites”